Writing the Feast
Wednesday, October 28, 2009In the process of writing a Short Story about Grace vs. Law. Not Gods Limits to Keep us away from evil vs. Gods Power to fulfill the Law of Love. But Gods Power of the Law of Love vs. Man's efforts to please God.
Limits or laws keep our society from anarchy. So they have their place. But when you talk about obtrusive laws that block our ability to practice our religion, just because one religious leader doesn't understand how you worship. Or refuses to love you into a healthy spiritual life because you live outside the limits of God's law. They these so called spiritual leaders negate the power of God.
I'm writing a short story that may turn into a novelette about just this situation. I hope to sell it to my intended audience the broken hearted who have been locked out of the righteous religious system because they do not qualify. For leadership or even just helping others because they have not submitted to a "process" defined by the so called religious leaders of the day.
This process is often a excuse to mold people in another image. One that is not of God. We all talk the same content, look the same and worship exactly alike. And we cannot agree to disagree on things that do not pertain to saving the soul. People will never qualify in this system unless they exactly like this system of man made religious hirelings. Then they can continue the machine of creating more men who worship God's Law and not God.
So I hope this is the last time I actually talk about hirelings. And I actually talk more about God's Law of Love in my short story the Feast. I hope for my second short story the Feast my audience will be those who haven't forgotten what it is to have a problem and how to abandon themselves into the loving arms of God.
He first Loved us and is always the one who is doing. We just co-operate, by acknowledging It is God's power. Not ours. Not our obedience. Not anything we can possess. Because God is to big for us to hold. If your God is big enough for you to comprehend. Your God is small.
We can understand in part. And we must not forget! Or we will continue to repeat the same mistakes of the past. That includes killing innocent people because their religion does not look like ours.
SLM Peace Out.
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