The Promise and the Law
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
7Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. Galatians 3:7, King James Version
It is my belief that God has the power to change DNA since He created it. If you feel that you came here on this earth with the wrong body. God can change that for you without the pain of surgery or expensive therapy sessions. I thank God for doctors but some pains are not from Him. They come from His enemy and the enemy of all humankind.
First before I explain myself through the scriptures I want to ask God for forgiveness for all the Hate crimes against the Homosexual community. And also want to ask the Homosexual community for forgiveness for all Hate crimes committed falsely in God's name. True Christians must ask to God for this because as the blood of Able cries out so will any innocent blood cry out to God for justice.
There is something greater than a contract between two people. A loving promise from God. Our iniquity is far weaker than God's Abrahamic Blessing on our lives. If you want this Blessing you must believe in Abraham's God. But that is only the first step of this blessing.
God wants us all to leave any lifestyle that is not His Best for us. But how will I change who Iam you ask. You say you are secure in being a homosexual. That you know that God has love for you. Well I disagree with you there. But I can agree on this. God will have just as much Love for you if you are a homosexual or bi or otherwise as He will for those who are heterosexual. We all have something called iniquities to submit to God for His help.
He does not just Love. He is everything that we think of as Love and more. He is the only one who can complete a human being. No human can change themselves by doing the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. In any belief system. God has to change you. Sometimes this can happen in one moment. He God is the only one who can help us (us being both communities gay and strait) to chase away the loneliness.
I just saw Where the Wild Things Are so I'll be using some statements from the film as an illustration of my points. I thought the movie was excellent. The main character in the film confronted the monsters in his young life with dreams and stories that I believe God gave him.
Honoring the God given gifts in our lives in each moment that is given will lead us into this place of Best things in life Who is God Himself. His gifts and callings are Him. Find God and you find the place of change for the better. The sacred things in your life are God given and to find these things are meant for kings.
There is a actually a scripture in the bible for that one. can't seem to locate it just now. I'll focus more on honoring sacred things later in another blog entry.
But back to Galatians
Blessings in prayers always overtake any iniquity that is passed down through your bloodline. Any problem can be overcome with blessing. That is why I started out with a plea to the gay community for forgiveness. I am a Christian who believes in the Daniel way of doing things. Pray first and ask questions later. So if you have any wild ways in your life tame them with God's gifts. Later.
P.S. check out the scriptures in Genesis about Abraham's blessing. Being a Christian has its benefits.
2And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.Genesis 12:2-3, King James Version
It is my belief that God has the power to change DNA since He created it. If you feel that you came here on this earth with the wrong body. God can change that for you without the pain of surgery or expensive therapy sessions. I thank God for doctors but some pains are not from Him. They come from His enemy and the enemy of all humankind.
First before I explain myself through the scriptures I want to ask God for forgiveness for all the Hate crimes against the Homosexual community. And also want to ask the Homosexual community for forgiveness for all Hate crimes committed falsely in God's name. True Christians must ask to God for this because as the blood of Able cries out so will any innocent blood cry out to God for justice.
There is something greater than a contract between two people. A loving promise from God. Our iniquity is far weaker than God's Abrahamic Blessing on our lives. If you want this Blessing you must believe in Abraham's God. But that is only the first step of this blessing.
God wants us all to leave any lifestyle that is not His Best for us. But how will I change who Iam you ask. You say you are secure in being a homosexual. That you know that God has love for you. Well I disagree with you there. But I can agree on this. God will have just as much Love for you if you are a homosexual or bi or otherwise as He will for those who are heterosexual. We all have something called iniquities to submit to God for His help.
He does not just Love. He is everything that we think of as Love and more. He is the only one who can complete a human being. No human can change themselves by doing the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. In any belief system. God has to change you. Sometimes this can happen in one moment. He God is the only one who can help us (us being both communities gay and strait) to chase away the loneliness.
I just saw Where the Wild Things Are so I'll be using some statements from the film as an illustration of my points. I thought the movie was excellent. The main character in the film confronted the monsters in his young life with dreams and stories that I believe God gave him.
Honoring the God given gifts in our lives in each moment that is given will lead us into this place of Best things in life Who is God Himself. His gifts and callings are Him. Find God and you find the place of change for the better. The sacred things in your life are God given and to find these things are meant for kings.
There is a actually a scripture in the bible for that one. can't seem to locate it just now. I'll focus more on honoring sacred things later in another blog entry.
But back to Galatians
Blessings in prayers always overtake any iniquity that is passed down through your bloodline. Any problem can be overcome with blessing. That is why I started out with a plea to the gay community for forgiveness. I am a Christian who believes in the Daniel way of doing things. Pray first and ask questions later. So if you have any wild ways in your life tame them with God's gifts. Later.
P.S. check out the scriptures in Genesis about Abraham's blessing. Being a Christian has its benefits.
2And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.Genesis 12:2-3, King James Version
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