A Letter to a Wiccan friend

Thursday, September 30, 2010 0 comments

A Letter to a Wiccan friend.

Dear friend,

The opposition to the greatest Light in the universe hides from all light. So why question angelic beings who are evasive? Our
awareness of our inner light only comes when we get to know Jesus the Creator of all angelic beings. So if you want to know the self
that God wants you to be and not the self that is subject to older and more crafty powers. Ask Jesus to give you knowledge of whom
you are speaking to when you cast a spell. If you find that truth and you need help call on the Name of Jesus.

You mean well but some don't. The origin of a word is powerful. Spirits and unclean spirits are the same if they don't identify themselves. So if you want power, seek the One who has defeated all devilish power on this earth, Jesus.

A side note, all humankind have a spirit that does not die, Christians call this an eternal spirit. We miss them when they leave this world. But don't let our enemy lure you into darkness by using your pain of a loss of a loved one. We cannot go into Heaven from this earth and retrieve them back or go into Hell and pull them out of harm.

The illness that that takes them from this earth, and I did say sometimes, has an evil origin. Other times it is our carelessness. But never forget goodness and mercy has a Godly origin that will overcome all evil powers.

I personally am a Christian so Jesus helps me combat this feeling of loss. If you want to find more about Christianity Don't just look to
Christians to find Christ Jesus. Only love to seek after Jesus and you will know the purpose of gathering together to worship God. Having Christian family is essential to being a Christian. Understanding and growing in the power of Jesus' Love is harder if you don't relate well with people.

Love Shundra