Moving with God

Saturday, July 25, 2009 0 comments

Walking and talkin with Him.

How do you know in Him you have your being... Some say just be yourself. But do you know that the only place that you can find yourself is in God and His Son Jesus. He created you and knows you better than you know yourself. He wants more for you than you want for yourself. He believes in you more than you believe in yourself. If you have ever met Him, that is God. You would know this love, this movement of compassion, this ( n. Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the power to relieve it...

Some of us are slow of speech and have difficulties expressing or communicating verbally the love of God. The only way that we can do this is live this compassion out through our words and deeds.. Words that are filled with an awareness of the suffering of others can go a long way towards healing a broken heart.

Brother Lawrence.. wrote practicing the presence of God I think he meant taking your everyday life and being. Just being. Relaxing in the knowledge that God CARES. About people of every religion not just those who know Him by the Name Jesus.

How can anyone know Him by any other name? Well there is His creation. It preaches the same Gospel. That He CARES and you will find your life in Him. What is this moving Gospel that Iam talking about? A very simple Gospel. He is everything and we must serve Him with every minute of our lives. Take whatever that you have and give it to Him.

When He gives it back to you, you will know that He loves you more than you can ever love yourself. We don't even know the gifts that He has given us. Our shortcomings will disappear when we have a greater awareness of the Love of God. He has High standards. And we will never attain them if we don't know that he knows everything about us and still he loves us. He knows everything we will ever do wrong. And still He knows us the US that He MADE.

If we throw ourselves away into a life of trash and grime. He will simply pick us up and wash us off with this hope. When we trust His power to LOVE us back to health. We we have hope again that HE LOVES us above all. Then we will be able with the POWER that HE gives us to crush every evil thing in our lives. And dance to his beat. Moving with the God of all POWER, talking with the God of all GRACE the God of all LOVE.

And even talkin with Him because we just want to not because we have to.

That's what I call moving with God. COVERING each other. Because LOVE covers a multitude of sins.......
The ARC moves. GOD set a rainbow in the heavens to tell man that HE LOVES and FORGIVES us for every sin. Even the sin of ______________________________. You fill in the blank its covered
In GOD's protection plan. He covers every sin and HIS POWER helps us live with the consequences.

The covering of GOD is mercy and lovingkindness. He is aware of every tear, of every hunger pain, of every trama, of everything that causes suffering in this world. HIS POWER which IS manifested in HIS SON JESUS will cause people to stop hurting and start being a healer themselves. There are no perfect healers save ONE. His hand moves to heal the scars of mankind that we have inflicted on ourselves. The moving of God creates, and heals, and speaks, and, and, and, and does anything that is needed in this world.

For God so loved this world that HE gave is only begotten Son Its there ITS all there in HIS compassionate WORD. All the words in HIS BIBLE are filled with COMPASSION. See eariler definition. When the God who wrote and is the WORD explains Himself. Even in suffering we can see HIS POWER to move us over this world and heal it.