Bravery vs. Recklessness

Thursday, April 9, 2009 0 comments

Jehan Sadat Widow of Anwar Sadat and who served as first lady of Egypt from 1970 until Sadat's assassination in 1981. She spoke on Charlie Rose and stated (my paraphrase) we knew they were going to kill him, we never spoke of it but we knew. Speaking of terrorist who assassinated him. My Hope for Peace

That is my definition of Bravery.Anwar Sadat was much like Dr. Martin Luther King in the US. In his writings and speeches he seemed to imply the same thing, he seemed to have foreknowledge that his enemies were going to kill him, and yet he still stood for peace against them.

Definitions for this post come from


adj., brav·er, brav·est.

  1. Possessing or displaying courage; valiant.
  2. Making a fine display; impressive or showy: “a coat of brave red lipstick on a mouth so wrinkled that it didn't even have a clear outline” (Anne Tyler).
  3. Excellent; great: “The Romans were like brothers/In the brave days of old” (Thomas Macaulay).
  1. A Native American warrior.
  2. A courageous person.
  3. Archaic. A bully.

v., braved, brav·ing, braves.
  1. To undergo or face courageously.
  2. To challenge; dare: “Together they would brave Satan and all his legions” (Emily Brontë).
  3. Obsolete. To make showy or splendid.
v.intr. Archaic. To make a courageous show or put up a stalwart front.



  1. Heedless or careless.
    Headstrong; rash.
    1. Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences: a reckless driver.



    How can we tell if someone is truly restored?

    Restoration means according to
     To bring back into existence or use; reestablish: restore law and order.  
     To bring back to an original condition: restore a building.  
     To put (someone) back in a former position: restore the emperor to the throne.  
     To make restitution of; give back: restore the stolen funds.
      I will deal with the 3rd definition spiritually. To put someone back in a former position. Not as in  restoring an emperor to his throne. But as in restoring our ability to hear everything our Messiah, Jesus the Christ, has told us through the Scriptures and through our day to day lives. Then we can develop a friendship with God.  John 15:15 this is the place that Jesus has restored us to. Simply being his friend. 

      This is a very special scripture to me it has double numbers and says to me it is a 100 fold blessing meaning if you don't have anyone to be your friend. He will be that friend. If you want to serve in the church He will show you how to be a servant in His church. If you want to hear from God about your personal life He will tell you. Sometimes through someone else, sometimes directly through the day to day activities of your life. The small blessings of life will help you see His angels and human ambassadors and what they have to say to you. Sometimes he will speak though a fictional story or a story that is based on someone's life, that is actual true events that have happened to them. But whatever the method He uses in your life. Just know that He God and His Son Jesus loves you and actually likes you as a person and wants to be your friend.

      CEV Contemporary English Version John 15:15  Servants don't know what their master is doing, and so I don't speak to you as my servants. I speak to you as my friends, and I have told you everything that my Father has told me. 

      Dictionary for this post come from

      An authorized messenger or representative.

      To work for.

      A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
      To invoke divine favor upon
      To honor as holy; glorify: Bless the Lord.
      To confer well-being or prosperity on.
      To endow, as with talent.