Bravery vs. Recklessness
Thursday, April 9, 2009 0 commentsJehan Sadat Widow of Anwar Sadat and who served as first lady of Egypt from 1970 until Sadat's assassination in 1981. She spoke on Charlie Rose and stated (my paraphrase) we knew they were going to kill him, we never spoke of it but we knew. Speaking of terrorist who assassinated him. My Hope for Peace
That is my definition of Bravery.Anwar Sadat was much like Dr. Martin Luther King in the US. In his writings and speeches he seemed to imply the same thing, he seemed to have foreknowledge that his enemies were going to kill him, and yet he still stood for peace against them.
Definitions for this post come from
adj., brav·er, brav·est.
- Possessing or displaying courage; valiant.
- Making a fine display; impressive or showy: “a coat of brave red lipstick on a mouth so wrinkled that it didn't even have a clear outline” (Anne Tyler).
- Excellent; great: “The Romans were like brothers/In the brave days of old” (Thomas Macaulay).
- A Native American warrior.
- A courageous person.
- Archaic. A bully.
v., braved, brav·ing, braves.
- To undergo or face courageously.
- To challenge; dare: “Together they would brave Satan and all his legions” (Emily Brontë).
- Obsolete. To make showy or splendid.
Heedless or careless.
Headstrong; rash.
- Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences: a reckless driver.