Nothing But the Blood

Friday, January 29, 2010

We in the Christian community have our own jargon, but its good jargon. I don't understand the terms we sling around fully. But here is my shot at the Blood.

Its a term that refers to the atonement of Christ. He lived a lifestyle of submission to Father God a while back, in complete gentleness of Spirit concerning those who ran to Him for help. But there where times when He Jesus got angry. But most of His anger was not directed at His students. But the religious community of the time.

So He lives, He died, by torture on the cross for us. He fulfilled Holy Scripture by taking our sin in His body and allowing Himself to be killed on the cross. This was at the hand of Roman soldiers.

But the allowed part is very important. Jesus is the God man. His is fully God and fully man. He could have come down from the cross by one request of the Father.

His blood sacrifice was for our healing and to close the gap between us and Father God. There is a gap between us and God unless we allow Jesus to stand there.
Some have not met God as a Loving and living Father. Because there is still a gap there.

Some blame this on their life circumstances of not having a good Father on this earth as an example. But if Jesus is allowed to stand in your personal gap between yourself and God. He will be Father for you. However you need Him too be. Remember He is creator who made you and me.

Personally I had a good example in both parents from this vantage point. But no one is perfect there were major mistakes made by all concerned but guess who made up the slack. Jesus. My big brother.

If you were to look at my life you may disagree. But Jesus fills in all shortcomings from every person involved in your life by showing you the hurts and the whys of the hearts of your family.

He actually showed me when He was directly speaking through my father who is now with Him in heaven. And continues to speak through my Mother who is still here in the flesh. So when I hear Jesus voice through my Ma, as I call her, its easy to overlook any faults. But back to the Blood. What is left after you see a person through the Blood of Christ. Nothing But Jesus speaking through them to you throughout their whole life. You may seek to find fault but when you hear Jesus speaking you wont be able to find any. Sins need to be confronted at times but in this Light. There is nothing but the Blood of Jesus that will cover and give us the ability to serve and love God as He loves us.


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