Unbreakable Bible Study

Monday, August 10, 2009

Judges 14 Genesis 50:20
A Case Study of two brothers - opposites the Samson and the un-Samson. Judges 13:24 And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson: and the child grew, and the LORD blessed him.

Samson's conquests
Judges 14:5-6 Timnath = image; figure; enumeration - A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed. So what do we notice about the young lion. One he makes a lot of noise but has no power or authority to enforce his bluff. Samson proves this by renting or better said tearing him in half as the power of the Law was rent when Jesus died on the cross. A mature weakness as Samson had is really strength. Samson's character was to be a judge between good and evil in the sight of the Lord.

My Riddles and rhymes
Young lion where are you hiding
Speak lies while you can
Because your time is short.
My left hand is empty
But my right is full of the might of the Lord.
Weakness is made perfect in this Weakness.


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