Christ Reborn in Me
Sunday, August 30, 2009December 25 is when we celebrate the birth of Our Lord, Jesus. And we who call ourselves Christians look forward to giving gifts on this day. But there is a concept that is not readily taught. That is Christ raised up from the dead in us everyday.
What does this mean to me? Well it means, Jesus not in bodily form, at least not exactly, living in me every day of my natural born life. I take care of the bodily part. Just say I loan it to Him when I yield to God. And I did say God and not the whims of a man.
What does yielding to God and not man mean? Well that's a loaded question. Its what every Christian strives to do. That is every mature Christian. His Word is not only God's bond but His Word is a person. A He named Jesus who was not reincarnated as an animal or other lesser innocent being. But He is the incarnate Word of God.
How would you like to see your words walking and talking and living right in front of you. Well you can, in a manner of speaking. We are made in the likeness of God and He created the world so Father God lets us create every once and a while. When He sees that the Words that we speak = the Word Himself. Not just relate to the Word but actually equal what He already said.
In the beginning God created ... So a loving Father gives us the wheels to the universe. If we dare to take hold. The lesser animals and nature were created for us, not to abuse. But to be overseers over. I know that's a bit of double speak, but really they are ours to lovingly practice on. Just look at Adam in Genesis. We can ask God to reveal His power to us to create. Even in this time and place.
So allow God to let you create on this canvas of the earth that He has provided for us. Let this mind be in us that is in Christ Jesus. A creative mind that can form a world with a mere word from a man. Let us have the reigns every once and a while so that our Faith will be unshakeable and I dare to say unbreakable.
I double dog dare you to pray and ask Him to give you the eyes to see His creative Word in action in real time.
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