Soccer Practice
Sunday, March 15, 2009Not sure which Father but he taught us about non voilent resistance.
Not sure where I'm going with this one but I used to be a cheerleader for St. Francis kids Soccer Team. Round about 3rd grade we went on a field trip.
and... they wouldn't play us the other team I mean. They refused to play with us cause we were black. The Catholic Father went off. Lost his temper and took us home. We got mad at him we the students cause one of us said well why don't we play ourselves. Forget them we can play a game against each other. No Father didn't go for it, it was too dangerous an atmosphere for kids. He knew even if it wasn't physically dangerous for us it would affect us, and not in a positive way.
So He made a executive decision and pulled the plug on the game.
Its funny how we take our aggressions out on our own team leaders even when the opposing side starts the fight. So we practiced and ate together and I was mad cause I didn't get to be a cheerleading team of one. I was still a part of the team though even from the side lines.
So encourage and get mad when its time to get mad just don't sin.
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