Consider Running an Interfiath Joint?
Rants Saturday, July 19, 2008Jesus did. He Irritated (agreed to disagree with some). Hung out. Laughed. Loved. Talked. And ate hummus with people who did not trust God. And yet these seedy behaviors did not change who He was, or why He was who He was, or how He came to be on this earth in the first place.(40.1:18-25)
I won't start preachin, not too much anyway. But if you don't see things eye to eye with me consider yourself forewarned I tend to grow on people. No, no, no, not in terms of being leachy. But like we must have met before. (disclaimer: I'm so not into reincarnation, the thought makes me tired (58.9:27-28)) As in you remind me of my cousin Louie. I want people to benefit from what I have to share. And if you have found this site you probably have found something of interest.
I look at it like this. If I were a Christian teacher teaching in a public school system I would have students from every culture, race, creed, ect. ect. ect. I must admit in my first draft of the mission statement for web.evangel I thought about a for Christians only type of mission. Partly because I really didn't feel up to the challenge and I didn't want to embarrass my kind on front of the whole world wide classroom. But I reconsidered for one reason. I have never really been up a real challenge.
I thought about making the blog all hospitable and making a concerted effort not to speak Christian jargon, even though I actually enjoy Christian jargon. For me its like kids talking to each other in shorthand and using nicknames that only they know. And if you grew up in the south, like I did, you were taught there were no strangers. But you were also taught how to talk in such a manner as to the bad guys (bad guy defined - any one who means you serious harm, intentional or unintentional) out of your family business.(40.13:13-15)
But as I have tried to allow myself to be enlightened by the Truth. I found that I didn't have to encrypt anything. God already has that covered. If you don't ask the Author to translate, you just won't get it. Simple as that. One can understand factoids. But the principles are mailed from the Principle's office and they will only end up on the desk of the persons or person named on the address label.(23.55:11)
I'm happy to say I've gotten a hold of a message or two in my lifetime and there is nothing like getting mail with your name on it. Its better yet to wait for, meet and all but mug the Letter carrier at the door. It's a real experience to suddenly realize you get to read a something that not only was not directly addressed to you, but it was expressed, registered, and sealed private to someone with your family name on it.(42.11:10)
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