The Word Becoming Flesh

Saturday, January 30, 2010

In the Beginning was the Word and we know that the Word goes by another name Jesus. And like our Father God we can speak a word and it will become a who or a what. So lets speak on purpose.

I've had visions and dreams formed by a word spoken to me. Some Godly some not so Godly. But Father God has made some of those dreams come true.

Speaking of purpose, the opposite is idle words that have no meaning at all they just lie there fallow and empty. We must, when we have the awareness to recognize them, repent of these idle words.

Before we repent of them we must acknowledge that we are not always aware of them. We like the fabled rip van winkle have fallen asleep. But we will wake, but what to. What will we see when our eyes open to the time that has past while our flesh has been operating on automatic pilot. Father God is Spirit and His children are made in His likeness. We need to acknowledge this truth. Our spirit man is only as strong as we want it to be. This our spirit is our true self.

Our mind will and emotions can operate to a degree by themselves. Its called our subconscious. What is there is up to us for the most part. But there are things that happen to us that we have no control over. Especially if we were children we they happened. It is then that we need Father God to do a Holy Ghost Wipe and Replace. But we as children or adults have a part to play in this process of God Bringing out the best in us. Whether it be in the subconscious (without even thinking) or with the full co-operation of our mind will and emotions. Romans 12:1-2 in the message bible

Some of my personal creeds most come from the Bible and personal experience.

Reject anything that does not fit who you want to become yourself.

Joy is always there.

Father God speaks through everything always ask if it is Him or not.

Somethings can't be translated into English.

There are gifts such as personal languages that God only understands.

But English is best for others to be blessed also.

Fear is good sometimes.

There are somethings that are not meant for man to do.

I wonder why I am not afraid of asking Father God why?
I guess because He knows the answers.

God has said no to me more than I want to admit, but in a Fatherly way.

All His promises are Yes and Amen. Even the personal ones.


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